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Home - Policy


Your privacy on CEROL SS 23000’s site

The main purpose of CEROL SS 23000’s site is to facilitate a company which is willing to halal certify its product(s) to MUI by online system based on HAS 23000 (Requirement of Halal Certification). We want you to feel secure when visiting our site and are committed to maintaining your privacy when doing so. This policy (together with our Terms of Use and data privacy notices on the site) explains how any personal/company data we may collect from or about you/your company through this site, will be processed and protected by LPPOM MUI . Any changes we may make to our privacy policy in the future will be posted on this page.

What information do we gather?

We may collect and process the following information

  1. Information that you provide by filling in forms on our site. This includes registering to use the site, subscribing to services and also submitting some documents through this site. Pages that collect this type of information may provide further information as to why your data is needed and how it will be used. It is completely up to you whether you want to provide it
  2. If you contact us, we may keep a record of that correspondence.
  3. Any postings, comments or other content that you upload or post to CEROL SS23000’s site

When this information relates to or identifies you, we will treat it as “personal data”.

Who can use this site?

  1. A company/personal that is willing to halal certify its product to MUI based on HAS 23000
  2. Everybody/party/company that is willing to access MUI’s halal certified product(s)