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About Us

The Assessment Institute for Foods, Drugs And Cosmetics, the Indonesian Council of Ulama (AIDC ICU/LP POM MUI) had been established by MUI as a response on the pork fat issue which caused social restless. Since the issue spread out fast in massive scale, if it had not been overcome quickly it would widely disturb national economic condition because many foods products had been avoided by our domestic consumers. To maintain spiritual tranquility of ummah and increase it as well, then, an Islamic institution in halal certification called the Assessment Institute for Foods, Drugs And Cosmetics, the Indonesian Council of Ulama (AIDC ICU/LP POM MUI) had been established by MUI on January, 6, 1989. And it has been a milestone for MUI in entering a new role in stipulating the status of halal-haram foods, drugs and cosmetics effectively. According to the mandate by MUI, during the early years, this new institution tried to overcome many problems in food affairs, particularly those which are relating with halal status, so it can protect tranquility of muslim consumers especially, and Indonesian consumers generally, and producers as a whole. And now, after 23 years of its dynamic and progressive works, LPPOM MUI, has exhibited its existence as a credible halal certification institution both in national and international level as well. Halal certification process and Halal Assurance System which has been designing and implementing by LPPOM MUI, has also been acknowledged and even been adopted by overseas halal certification bodies. In the process and implementing halal certification, LPPOM MUI has built cooperative works and agreements with National Agency for Drugs and Foods Control (BPOM), Ministry of Religious Affairs, Bogor University of Agriculture (IPB), Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of Cooperative and Small Scale Industry. Especially with National Agency for Drugs and Foods Control (BPOM), halal certificate of MUI becomes a requirement in including halal label on product package. In future, LPPOM MUI will strengthen its position as the leader in halal certification and halal assurance system globally, through international Islamic institution, such as World Halal Food Council (WHFC), Organization of Islamic Conference, and Rabithah Alam Islamy.


Becoming trusted halal certification body in Indonesia and worldwide as well, to give tranquility life to muslim society and becoming the world halal center which extends information, solution and halal standard admitted both in national and international level.


  1. Making and developing proper standard in halal auditing system.
  2. Conducting halal certification process for products marketed and consumed by muslim society.
  3. Educating and realizing the society concern to consume halal products.
  4. Providing comprehensive and accurate information as well on halal products and various related aspects.